
Community Primary School

Leavers Assembly - Tuesday 23rd July

KS2 hall at 9.30-10.30am

Last day of term - Tuesday 23rd July

School will reopen on Tuesday 3rd September

School reopens - Tuesday 3rd September

School reopens to pupils in Year 1-6

EYFS Home Visits - Tuesday 3rd September and Wednesday 4th September

EYFS Pupils to start school part-time - Thursday 5th September

Please see your child's letter which will confirm what time they will be in school.

EYFS Pupils to start school full-time - Wednesday 11th September

01933 353848

01933 353848

Year 5 Science Week – 11th-15th March

Year 5 Science Week – 11th-15th March

Year 5 had an assembly and workshops from scientists at Unilever. We identified the different tastes that we have on our tongues and tasted different solutions to see if we could recognise the flavours. We also did tests with skittles and juices. Then we  looked at...
Year 5 Magistrates

Year 5 Magistrates

Year 5 took part in a really informative and interesting session with two magistrates, Andrew and John. They started by explaining how our justice system works, what happens in a court and the different roles that people play. After that, the children acted out a real...
Year 5 Mental Health Week

Year 5 Mental Health Week

Throughout this term we have been learning about our mental health and how to relax our minds. Some of the methods we have been using are triangle breathing, square breathing and finger breathing. We have also been having lessons called Mini-me Mindfulness, it helps...