
Community Primary School

Whole school flu vaccinations - Friday 20th September

If you would like for your child to receive the vaccination, please follow the link on ParentMail.

FICPS Colour Run after school - Friday 20th September

If you have signed your child up to take part, please come along to the field after school (please wear an old white tshirt and old trousers/shorts as the paint may stain).

Open Day - Saturday 28th September

If you have a child who is due to start school in September 2025, please come along between 9am and 12pm

Year 5 Botanical Gardens - Tuesday 24th September

Please ensure children are in school by 8.15, they will arrive back in school for the usual collection time.

01933 353848

01933 353848

Upcoming School events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Our School Values

At Irchester Community Primary School we promote values that help to create independent, confident, compassionate and motivated children. These values are integral to the ethos of our school and were agreed jointly by children, parents, governors and staff. In all that we do we share, encourage and demonstrate positive values with our children; in order that they understand them and grow to live by them.

Our five school values are:

  • Collaboration
  • Respect
  • Pride
  • Resilience
  • Ambition

By following these values our children begin to have a greater understanding of our British Values and how they can make a positive contribution to society.

When a child demonstrates their understanding of a value, through actions towards others, they are rewarded with a red value bead which is added to the key stages value pot. Once one whole pot is filled a star is added to the whole school’s value jars. These stars contribute towards a total, with whole school rewards for one jar filled and then a greater award for all the jars being filled.