FICPS Christmas Fair - Friday 6th December

3.15 - 5.30pm - activities and stalls will be in the KS1 and KS2 halls

NVP Christmas Concert - Monday 9th December - Year 6

The concert is at Wollaston Secondary School starting at 6pm

EYFS Nativity - Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th December

KS1 hall starting at 2pm

Year 5 performance - The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse

Wednesday 11th December at 5.30pm - KS2 hall

01933 353848

Year 5 visit to Cambridge University Botanical Gardens

Year 5
Year 5 visited Cambridge University Botanical Gardens as part of their Geography fieldwork and Science topics.

They discovered which plants grow in rainforests, mountains, deserts, grassland and woodland. Learnt about the weather conditions in the different biomes and how plants cope with them. Identified that areas around the Equator have different weather conditions to the UK. They described a variety of plants from different biomes and the adaptations the plants use to grow successfully in different environments

We had a fabulous day and the pupils were praised for their superb questions and brilliant behaviour.