FICPS Where What You Love Mufti Day - Friday 14th February

£1 donations can be made on the day. There will also be a doughnut sale after school.

Last day of term - Friday 14th February

School will reopen on Monday 24th February.

4JM Class Assembly - Wednesday 26th February

KS2 hall 9am - the assembly will last roughly 30 minutes

01933 353848

Upcoming School events

Kingswood Catering

You might have already heard that every child in EYFS & Key Stage 1 is entitled to free school meals? Please see the link below for further information. To log onto Kingswood Catering Website, please click on the link below:

Kingswood Catering website

Kingswood Catering information

Special Diet Policy 2020

How to order school meals

How to register