5RR Class Assembly - Wednesday 15th January

KS2 hall 9.00am - 9.30am

5LS Class Assembly - Wednesday 22nd January

KS2 hall 9.00am - 9.30am

Year 4 Pioneer Residential information meeting - Thursday 23rd January

KS1 hall 3.30pm

Come and See - Tuesday 28th January

Classrooms - 3.15-3.45

01933 353848

Term Dates

Term Dates - 2024-2025

Files for Friends of Irchester Community Primary School

Our school is starting a lottery

UK Match Funding

FICPS Amazon poster

Spring Fair 2022

Upcoming School events

Friends of Irchester Community Primary School


The parent-teacher association for the school is a registered charity called Friends of Irchester Community Primary School (FICPS). We have a long history of fundraising; generating thousands of pounds to provide a wide variety of additional equipment and activities for the benefit of every child in the school. Every parent or carer of a child at our school can become a member of FICPs and can be as involved as much or little as they wish.


We are a committee of Mums, Dads, carers, friends, school staff and members of the governing body who volunteer our time and skills to support the school. Anyone is welcome to join us, formally as a committee member or to support the running of events. FICPS is also a great way to get to know other people, learn more about the school and have some fun!


We arrange a wide range of activities and events for children, parents and friends throughout the year. This enables us to raise additional funds to support the school and to advance the education of the children. All profits go directly to the school.

Previous fundraising events have included discos, Christmas fairs, mothers and fathers day sales, raffles and mufti days. FICPS have contributed towards new playground equipment, Lab 13 equipment, sports equipment, iPads, pantomimes, and a Christmas present for every child.

FICPS support is much appreciated by the school. The funds raised help to make the school an exciting and well-resourced place for children to learn.


We always need volunteers to help run events, assist with setting up activities or simply being the brains behind the ideas! There is never too little or too much that you can do to help. We love to hear ideas for fundraising or new ways we could be supporting the school.

Most planning meetings will usually involve some kind of cake so if you feel that you would like to offer your support in this amazing charity please contact the school office or see our facebook page (Friends of Irchester Community Primary School)