5RR Class Assembly - Wednesday 15th January

KS2 hall 9.00am - 9.30am

5LS Class Assembly - Wednesday 22nd January

KS2 hall 9.00am - 9.30am

Year 4 Pioneer Residential information meeting - Thursday 23rd January

KS1 hall 3.30pm

Come and See - Tuesday 28th January

Classrooms - 3.15-3.45

01933 353848

Year 5 Mental Health Week

Year 5

Throughout this term we have been learning about our mental health and how to relax our minds. Some of the methods we have been using are triangle breathing, square breathing and finger breathing. We have also been having lessons called Mini-me Mindfulness, it helps us relax and we get to do fun activities to do with our mental health.

For children’s mental health week, we also had challenges to improve our well-being. On Monday, we had to smile at others so that they smiled back. Tuesday was to ask someone how they are feeling and listen to their answer. Wednesday was how many kind things can you do for someone. Thursday was when we tried to use our manners. Friday was how many positive things can you say to other people. We also did some mindful art, where we let our imaginations take control of the pen.

We have learnt about affirmations here is an example: I am strong, I am smart, I am happy. We also learned about posture and how it helps you feel better and breath better.

In class, we do some meditation after break and lunch with relaxing music. We have the lights off and we listen to a meditation guide and at the end is when a nice little bell that rings to make sure we don’t fall asleep.

We have regulation zones and, in the morning, and after lunch we move our names into a box that we are feeling. There are different colours green, blue, yellow and red.


Charlie, Leela, Rio, Kalel, Jaylen, Emily.