SEND information downloads
SEND information report
Pastoral Newsletter
Family Hubs Flyer
Family Hubs Handout
Family Hubs in North Northants
Start for Life
Upcoming School events
Year 4 Pioneer residential information meeting
Year 4 Pioneer residential information meeting
Special Educational Needs and Pastoral Support
The Pastoral Team consists of Mrs Hobson, Mrs Thom and Mrs Hopkinson. The pastoral team is highly skilled in supporting children’s wellbeing, SEND needs and also supporting parents and families that may be experiencing difficulties. Please do not hesitate to get in contact if you want to discuss anything, or just want to make them aware of concerns/needs. You will find a member of the team on the gate in the morning or contact via [email protected] or [email protected]
Within the Pastoral Team we are able to provide and access a wide variety of support:
- Senior Mental Health Lead
- ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
- Drawing and Talking
- Mental Health First Aider
- MHST (Mental Health Support Team)
- Northampton hospital bereavement service
- Service Six
- School Councillor
We are also able to access a variety of support for Special Educational Needs
- Educational Psychologist
- Specialist Support Service (SSS)
- Speech and Language (SALT)
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Local Outreach services
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
- Medical health care plans
The pastoral team support the whole family and not just the child. The Pastoral Team are able to open Early Help Assessments (EHAs) to support with difficulties such as finance, housing, adult mental health, domestic abuse, parental conflict, parenting and relationship support, special guardianship / post adoption, and support in the local community by services such as homestart and young carers.
What is the Local Offer?
The Local Offer is where all information about services for children and young people with special educational needs is written in one place. The Local Offer makes it easier for parents, carers or professionals to make choices about services in the local area.
The information is easy to find and understand. It tells you how to get the services you need.
These services include:
- Nurseries and Playgroups
- Schools, colleges and other places of learning
- Health services such as Nurses, Psychologists
- Social Services and Social workers
- Support at home
- Leisure activities
- Short breaks
To contact the Local Offer via:
Young carers information
At Irchester Community Primary School, we support all children whatever their needs. Young Carers in particular, can be difficult to recognise and we try hard to identify and support these children.
A Young Carer is defined as a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care (including practical and emotional support) for another person. (Children and Families Act 2014). The person receiving care may be ill, disabled, have a mental health condition or addiction problem.
Young Carers often take on tasks that would be expected on an adult. These can include:
- Practical tasks – cooking, housework and shopping
- Physical care – lifting or helping someone use the stairs
- Personal Care – dressing, washing, helping with toileting needs
- Emotional Support – listening, calming, being present
- Managing the family budget, collecting benefits and prescriptions
- Medication Management
- Looking after younger siblings
- Helping someone communicate
If you think your child is a Young Carer – please get contact Mrs Hobson (SENCo) or Mrs Thom (FLW)