Day to day information
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Our school day
Please see below a timetable of a typical school day.
7.45am Breakfast Club
The breakfast club meets daily from 7.45am and is an opportunity for parents to bring their child early to eat breakfast (usually cereal and toast and a drink) and be cared for by staff until the start of morning supervision. There is a daily charge of £3 per child.
8:40am Gates Open
This is the official start of the school day.
8:55am Gates Close/Registration
Any children arriving after this time must be signed in by parents in the main school office.
10:15am/10.30am Breaktime
Mid-morning break is for 15 minutes. Children may bring in a healthy snack. All children in Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage benefit from a free piece of fruit daily, and all children have the opportunity to purchase a carton of milk through the Cool Milk scheme.
The Foundation Stage children have their playtime separately during the morning on the Early Years playground.
12:00pm-1.00pm Lunchtime
If your child goes home for lunch, they need to be met by an adult at 12.00pm, signed out at the office and returned to sign in again between 12.55pm and 1.00pm.
Hot School Meals (provided by Kingswood Catering)
Our school kitchen provides hot school dinners which meet all nutritional recommendations. Children may select which days they would like to have lunch and parents order and pay on line using the Kingswood Catering website. All Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils have a free lunch, plus those KS2 children eligible for pupil premium. The cost for KS2 children is £2.40 a meal. Orders for meals must be made in advance by the Wednesday of the week before. The school office is happy to provide any support needed when ordering lunches.
For further information please consult Kingswood Catering website.
Lunchtime Playtime
Lunchtime is supervised indoors and outdoors, by a team of support staff who help to acknowledge and promote positive play and happy communal eating. We have a play leader who plans games and sports activities for the children during the lunch break. The Anti-bulling Ambassadors are on duty everyday too. The same, positive expectations of behaviour apply at lunchtimes as in lesson times, whether indoors or outside. There is a first aider and senior member of staff on duty at lunchtimes.
1:00pm Afternoon registration and lessons
3:15pm End of the school day
At the end of the day, Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage children are collected from positions close to their classrooms. If parents wish Key Stage 2 children may walk to and from school unaccompanied once the school has been informed. All children are advised to return to their class or to the office if the person usually meeting them is not there, or if there are any concerns.
3:15pm After school activities
We offer wraparound care after school from 3.15-5.30, parents can book either from 3.15-4.30 for £4.00, 4.30-5.30 for £4.00 or from 3.15-5.30 for £7.00.
We also have a wide range of after school activities available for the children to attend. Some run by staff, others are organised by outside agencies. Any information regarding clubs availability can be obtained from the school office.