FICPS Where What You Love Mufti Day - Friday 14th February

£1 donations can be made on the day. There will also be a doughnut sale after school.

Last day of term - Friday 14th February

School will reopen on Monday 24th February.

4JM Class Assembly - Wednesday 26th February

KS2 hall 9am - the assembly will last roughly 30 minutes

01933 353848

EYFS visit from a beekeeper


In EYFS we have been learning about minibeasts and the children had a special visit from Trina the beekeeper.  They found out all about how bees made their hives and honey and the different jobs that the bees had.  The children loved the special protective suit that Trina had to wear and enjoyed tasting the honey that her bees had made.  They thought that the honey tasted “sweet and delicious.”