
Community Primary School

Leavers Assembly - Tuesday 23rd July

KS2 hall at 9.30-10.30am

Last day of term - Tuesday 23rd July

School will reopen on Tuesday 3rd September

School reopens - Tuesday 3rd September

School reopens to pupils in Year 1-6

EYFS Home Visits - Tuesday 3rd September and Wednesday 4th September

EYFS Pupils to start school part-time - Thursday 5th September

Please see your child's letter which will confirm what time they will be in school.

EYFS Pupils to start school full-time - Wednesday 11th September

01933 353848

01933 353848


Year 5 Magistrates

Year 5 Magistrates

Year 5 took part in a really informative and interesting session with two magistrates, Andrew and John. They started by explaining how our justice system works, what happens in a court and the different roles that people play. After that, the children acted out a real...

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Year 4 Mental Health Week

Year 4 Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week update: in Year 4, we have been exploring the different ways we can express our feelings by recording them in a journal this week. It didn’t matter whether we wanted to write a few sentences or to draw an image of our feelings, we all found that it...

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Year 6 Mental Health Week

Year 6 Mental Health Week

The theme of our Year 6's mental health week activity was music. We listened to brief clips of different styles of music: focussing especially on their tempo. As the music was playing we used a black pen to imitate how the music made us feel. For example a jagged line...

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Year 3 Mental Health Week

Year 3 Mental Health Week

The theme of our Year 3’s mental health activity was Meditation. We focussed on our breathing methods to help us regulate our emotions and practised our meditating poses. We have also created posters based on our affirmations and have been doing some mindfulness...

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EYFS Mental Health Week

EYFS Mental Health Week

In EYFS we had a great day thinking about ways we can have a positive mindset and look after ourselves. We talked about things that we do that make us proud and why we are all special. We enjoyed listening to one another and sharing our ideas. In the afternoon we...

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Year 2 Mental Health Week

Year 2 Mental Health Week

Year 2 have been learning about what affirmations are. We came up with lots of positive affirmations and practiced saying the affirmations to ourselves using the mirrors. We are amazing! All children across the school were praised for their positive engagement within...

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Year 1 Mental Health Week

Year 1 Mental Health Week

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week Year 1 looked at how to be a good listener. They enjoyed playing listening games such as Chinese whispers, Simon says, and the ‘go’ game. They completed a daily challenge and even made phones out of paper cups and string to...

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Year 5 Mental Health Week

Year 5 Mental Health Week

Throughout this term we have been learning about our mental health and how to relax our minds. Some of the methods we have been using are triangle breathing, square breathing and finger breathing. We have also been having lessons called Mini-me Mindfulness, it helps...

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Investigating Light

Investigating Light

Year 3 are investigating Light and particularly how it travels and reflects - in Lab_13 this week small groups built their own laser mazes using Lego and mirrors, then used laser pens and talc to reveal how the beams of light travel and reflect around the maze!

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Stone Age Day

Stone Age Day

Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Chester House for their Stone Age Day today! They have looked at amazing artefacts - from incredible pieces of pottery to woolly rhino bones that are 50,000 years old! The children also made their own stone age houses, and...

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Fantastic trip to Twycross Zoo

Fantastic trip to Twycross Zoo

Last week Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Twycross Zoo. They looked at lots of different animals, their diet, and their habitat. They even saw a leopard having its meaty lunch! Miss Cumley and Mrs Ojeda were both very impressed by all the children’s behaviour on the...

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