Inset Day - Monday 6th January

School will reopen to pupils on Tuesday 7th January

5RR Class Assembly - Wednesday 15th January

KS2 hall 9.00am - 9.30am

5LS Class Assembly - Wednesday 22nd January

KS2 hall 9.00am - 9.30am

01933 353848

Year 1 Mental Health Week

Year 1 Mental Health Week

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week Year 1 looked at how to be a good listener. They enjoyed playing listening games such as Chinese whispers, Simon says, and the ‘go’ game. They completed a daily challenge and even made phones out of paper cups and string to...
Year 5 Mental Health Week

Year 5 Mental Health Week

Throughout this term we have been learning about our mental health and how to relax our minds. Some of the methods we have been using are triangle breathing, square breathing and finger breathing. We have also been having lessons called Mini-me Mindfulness, it helps...