FICPS Clothing Collection - Wednesday 5th March

Signs will be out on the morning to show where donations can be dropped off. Please note that we are unable to accept donations until the morning of the collection.

EYFS Giant Journey Workshop - Wednesday 5th March

World Book Day - Thursday 6th March

Please can students wear their PE kit for the week, as they will be taking part in activities outside. Children are invited to dress as their favourite book character, word or wear pyjamas on Thursday 6th.

01933 353848

Term Dates

Term Dates - 2024-2025

Upcoming School events

Pupil Premium and free school meals

Under the government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme (UIFSM) every child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is entitled to a free lunch whilst attending school. This does not apply if children are kept at home for any reason such as illness.

If however the parents who the child lives with meet certain criteria relating to income and benefits, the child becomes eligible to receive a Free School Meal (FSM) regardless of whether they are currently in school. The school then also receives additional funding to support learning outcomes for these children, entitled “Pupil Premium”, a portion of which is allocated to the parents to spend on items such as school uniform, clubs and trips.

If you think your child may be eligible for a Free School Meal please apply through the following link:

NNC Pupil Premium

If you have any questions please call us on 01933 353848 or email on