Inset Day - Monday 6th January

School will reopen to pupils on Tuesday 7th January

5RR Class Assembly - Wednesday 15th January

KS2 hall 9.00am - 9.30am

5LS Class Assembly - Wednesday 22nd January

KS2 hall 9.00am - 9.30am

01933 353848

Upcoming School events

There are no upcoming events at this time.


Safeguarding policy Sept 2023

Keeping Children Safe in Out of School Settings

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility!

At Irchester Community Primary School, the welfare of all our pupils is of the upmost importance and therefore we regularly review our safeguarding procedures. If you have any concerns regarding the pupils at our school, then please speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs), by contacting the school on (01933) 353848.

Concerned about the welfare or wellbeing of a child or young person?
Refer immediately to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs).

Other useful contacts in use of emergency: