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School uniform
We believe that school uniform helps to promote common values and uphold a whole school identity system. We expect all pupils to dress smartly, wearing our school uniform with pride.
You can visit the Uniform Shop in Wellingborough at the following address:
Olympic Way, Wellingborough
Northants, NN8 3QE
01933 426433
School Uniforms can also be ordered online. Click the link below to reach our Online School Uniform page.
School Uniform Ordering Website
Irchester Community Primary School Uniform:
- Midnight blue sweatshirt/cardigan (with logo) or Red sweatshirt or cardigan (logo optional)
- White polo shirt (logo optional)
- Dark grey trousers / knee length skirt / culottes / pinafore dress
- Grey socks / grey tights
- Flat black plain shoes (no trainers) / plain black ankle boots (winter option)
Irchester Summer Uniform (from Easter holidays until October Half term)
- As above or
- Dark grey knee length shorts
- White or grey socks
- Red/white or Blue/white summer dress
Irchester Community Primary School PE uniform: *No jewellery to be worn on PE days*
Children are required to wear their PE kit to school for the whole day on PE days which is why we ask that it adheres to the following to ensure the children still look smart.
- Plain black sweatshirt, hoody or hooded zip up jacket (logo optional)
- Plain white t-shirt (logo optional)
- Plain black shorts
- Plain black joggers/leggings
- Suitable footwear including trainers or plimsolls
- The school permits children to wear a watch alongside their uniform. However, if this is a smart watch, all notifications must be disabled whilst they are in school.
In addition to the above the school prohibits;
- Tattoos
- Nail polish
- Large hair accessories (including JoJo bows)
- Extreme hairstyles or hair colours
- Jewellery other than 1 small studded earring and a watch
We request that;
- Long hair is tied up
- An appropriate coat is worn, along with hat, scarf & gloves for the cold weather
- All uniform is clearly named