
Community Primary School

Whole school flu vaccinations - Friday 20th September

If you would like for your child to receive the vaccination, please follow the link on ParentMail.

FICPS Colour Run after school - Friday 20th September

If you have signed your child up to take part, please come along to the field after school (please wear an old white tshirt and old trousers/shorts as the paint may stain).

Open Day - Saturday 28th September

If you have a child who is due to start school in September 2025, please come along between 9am and 12pm

Year 5 Botanical Gardens - Tuesday 24th September

Please ensure children are in school by 8.15, they will arrive back in school for the usual collection time.

01933 353848

01933 353848

EYFS visit from a PCSO

June 18, 2024


The Foundation Stage children had a visit from our Police Community Support Officer.  They found out about the good work that the Police do and how they can help us.  They learnt about the different equipment they used for the job and even got to sit in the Police car.  The best part was pressing the button to set off the siren,  it was incredibly loud!