
Community Primary School

EYFS Pupils to start school part-time - Thursday 5th September

Please see your child's letter which will confirm what time they will be in school.

Kingswood Taster Session - Tuesday 10th September

Please come along to the KS1 hall at 11.30 if you would like to see what meals Kingswood offer.

EYFS Pupils to start school full-time - Wednesday 11th September

Year 4 and 5 trip to Irchester Country Park - Wednesday 11th September

Please can they wear their PE kits on the day and bring a packed lunch.

Whole school flu vaccinations - Friday 20th September

If you would like for your child to receive the vaccination, please follow the link on ParentMail.

FICPS Colour Run after school - Friday 20th September

If you have signed your child up to take part, please come along to the field after school (please wear an old white tshirt and old trousers/shorts as the paint may stain).

01933 353848

01933 353848

Started our topic of World War II

June 18, 2024

Year 6

Year 6 have been working hard so far this year where, in maths, we have been working on adding fractions and mixed numbers. In English, we have recently wrote a biography about Charles Darwin as this links in with our science unit of evolution and inheritance, where the children have created pom pom animals based on the parent’s dominant and recessive genes.

In history, we have started our topic of World War II, where the children have recently been learning about the chronology of how Hitler became the leader on Germany.