FICPS Clothing Collection - Wednesday 5th March

Signs will be out on the morning to show where donations can be dropped off. Please note that we are unable to accept donations until the morning of the collection.

EYFS Giant Journey Workshop - Wednesday 5th March

World Book Day - Thursday 6th March

Please can students wear their PE kit for the week, as they will be taking part in activities outside. Children are invited to dress as their favourite book character, word or wear pyjamas on Thursday 6th.

01933 353848

World Book Day – 7th March 2024


On World Book Day some of our parents joined us for a reading session – some of them even dressed up! We all read two books on Myon and quizzed on them. We dressed up and joined the whole school in a parade – to music from famous books.

We entered the Character Multiverse – we took our favourite book characters and put them into other stories. So Gollum visited the chocolate factory, Bagheera went to the jungle in The Explorer, Mr Wolf went to Hogwarts, Pegasus went to Hogwarts, Matilda went to the jungle and lots more! We wrote stories based on these swaps and created book covers to go with them.

In Science, we were Oompa Loompa’s explaining to Wonka which ice lollies melted the slowest – this was to help him with future inventions.

At the end of the day, the book quiz winners were announced and we heard stories read by Mr Turvey and Mrs Richardson.