FICPS Clothing Collection - Wednesday 5th March

Signs will be out on the morning to show where donations can be dropped off. Please note that we are unable to accept donations until the morning of the collection.

EYFS Giant Journey Workshop - Wednesday 5th March

World Book Day - Thursday 6th March

Please can students wear their PE kit for the week, as they will be taking part in activities outside. Children are invited to dress as their favourite book character, word or wear pyjamas on Thursday 6th.

01933 353848

Year 6 Mental Health Week

Year 6
The theme of our Year 6’s mental health week activity was music. We listened to brief clips of different styles of music: focussing especially on their tempo. As the music was playing we used a black pen to imitate how the music made us feel. For example a jagged line if the music was sharp and a smooth flowing line if the music was calming and slow. Following this, we shaded in our abstract artwork with colours which represented how the music made us feel. All of our work was unique – just like us!