
Community Primary School

Leavers Assembly - Tuesday 23rd July

KS2 hall at 9.30-10.30am

Last day of term - Tuesday 23rd July

School will reopen on Tuesday 3rd September

School reopens - Tuesday 3rd September

School reopens to pupils in Year 1-6

EYFS Home Visits - Tuesday 3rd September and Wednesday 4th September

EYFS Pupils to start school part-time - Thursday 5th September

Please see your child's letter which will confirm what time they will be in school.

EYFS Pupils to start school full-time - Wednesday 11th September

01933 353848

01933 353848

Year 5/6 football tournament at Wollaston

June 18, 2024


Yesterday we entered 2 teams into a Year 5/6 football tournament at Wollaston. The children worked well as a team and defended brilliantly.

A big well done to everyone involved.

Congratulations to Irchester A who came 1st and Irchester B who came joint 5th! ⚽️